Flat Fee Pricing
While many, if not most, legal matters are unpredictable and can vary widely in their cost, some matters are appropriate for flat-fee billing. At Wolseley Law we try to make things as transparent as possible for clients. The matters on this page are those that we have found to be reasonably consistent in how they progress and, as such, can be provided on a flat-fee basis to clients.
Please note that you must speak with a lawyer first to determine if your matter is appropriate for flat-fee billing, and to discuss what our flat-fee services are limited to. Even matters that you might think would be appropriate may not be, depending on the facts, and we reserve the right to refuse to offer service on a flat fee basis. When you meet with us and provide information about your matter, flat-fee billing may be appear to be appropriate, but if the facts of your matter change, or if new information comes to our attention, that may need to change. More information can be found when you speak with your lawyer and in the event of any conflict with the prices found on our website or the prices quoted by your lawyer, the price given by your lawyer will prevail.
For matters that don’t appear on this page, contact us for more information. We don’t only offer flat-fee service, but are a full-service law firm.