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Flat Fee Pricing

While many, if not most, legal matters are unpredictable and can vary widely in their cost, some matters are appropriate for flat-fee billing. At Wolseley Law we try to make things as transparent as possible for clients. The matters on this page are those that we have found to be reasonably consistent in how they progress and, as such, can be provided on a flat-fee basis to clients.

Please note that you must speak with a lawyer first to determine if your matter is appropriate for flat-fee billing, and to discuss what our flat-fee services are limited to. Even matters that you might think would be appropriate may not be, depending on the facts, and we reserve the right to refuse to offer service on a flat fee basis. When you meet with us and provide information about your matter, flat-fee billing may be appear to be appropriate, but if the facts of your matter change, or if new information comes to our attention, that may need to change. More information can be found when you speak with your lawyer and in the event of any conflict with the prices found on our website or the prices quoted by your lawyer, the price given by your lawyer will prevail.

For matters that don’t appear on this page, contact us for more information. We don’t only offer flat-fee service, but are a full-service law firm.

Wills and Powers of Attorney

A will ensures that you have a say in what happens to your possessions when you die. A power of attorney can let you name a person to act on your behalf to deal with your property either immediately, or after a specific event takes place (usually if you were to lose capacity to handle your own affairs at some point).

In the event that you lose the ability to make decisions about your medical treatment, you may also want a Health Care Directive to appoint someone to make those decisions for you. The provincial government provides free information and a blank Health Care Directive form to fill out on your own here. We are always happy to answer questions about Health Care Directives for our Wills or Power of Attorney clients.

Will from $475.00 per person or $775.00 per couple (plus tax)

  • Includes a meeting to take your instructions, drafting of the will, and a second appointment to execute the will.
  • Additional charges apply for home or hospital visits and more complex wills or estate planning. Things that may increase cost include (but aren’t limited to): non-executor trustees; multiple gifts beyond estate residue; charitable gifts; the creation of wills for regulated professionals; and blended families.

Power of Attorney from $475.00 per person or $775.00 per couple (plus tax)

  • Includes a meeting to take your instructions, drafting of the power of attorney, and a second appointment to execute the power of attorney.
  • Only $150.00 (plus tax) when you have a power of attorney done at the same time as a will.
  • Additional charges apply for home or hospital visits and more complex powers of attorney.

Real Estate

For purchases, sales, or mortgages

The cost to sell or buy a house can be affected by many different factors, but the legal fees are usually quite straightforward. Our base prices for a typical real estate transaction are:

Basic Purchase Transaction (under $500,000.00, cash, no financing)……….$745.00

If mortgage financing, additional……….$395.00

Basic Sale Transaction  (no mortgage, the property has clear title)……….$745.00

If there is a mortgage to discharge on the property, additional……….$245.00

Additional to those prices are taxes and disbursements (such as couriers, land transfer tax, etc.).

There are also times when a situation is more complex and fees may be higher. Typical (but not exhaustive) examples include:

  • the purchase/sale of a condo, commercial or rental properties;
  • Purchases over $500,000.00;
  • Bridge financing;
  • Acting as bank agent for their internal documents (typically done when the mortgage is arranged outside of a financial institution)
  • Video document executions or house calls;
  • Rush/last minute transactions where we receive mortgage instructions, or the offer, within 7 days of closing.
Land Transfer Tax

Land transfer tax is often a surprise for people when they purchase a home. The Province of Manitoba levies a tax, paid by the purchaser, on any transfer of land in Manitoba, ranging from 0%-2% of the fair market value of the land transferred. The Land Titles office has a calculator available, here, to see what the cost of the tax is for a particular value, but as an example, a $300,000 house would attract a land transfer tax of $3,650.00.

Business Law

Whether you’re just starting a business, transitioning to a new phase of your business’s life, or you’re looking for some help with a business that you’re already happy with, a number of business legal services can be done on a flat-rate basis.

Basic Incorporation

Numbered corporation – $850.00 (plus tax)
Named corporation – $950.00 (plus tax)
  • For incorporating a simple company.
  • Where you need no more than five shareholders.
  • Where you do not need a unanimous shareholders agreement (a “USA”).
  • Includes minute book set-up and ordering corporate seal if applicable.
  • Disbursements (such as fees paid to the Companies Office to incorporate, are extra).

Professional Corporation

Other than for a real estate corporation – $1,750.00 (plus tax)
For a personal real estate corporation – $1,950.00 (plus tax)
  • For circumstances similar to our a “basic” incorporation but for regulated professionals (i.e. doctors, dentists, accountants, etc.).
  • Includes ensuring that professional requirements are met (i.e. communicating with the regulatory body, obtaining necessary consents to incorporate, etc.).

Family Law

Family matters where everyone agrees on what needs to happen, and everyone’s decisions fall within the bounds of what the law will allow (with regards to child support, for instance) can frequently be resolved relatively simply. Please note that only one spouse or partner can be our client so only one spouse/partner should seek our services. When one spouse/partner meets with us, we are unable to meet with, or provide legal services or advice to the other spouse/partner.

Cohabitation/Prenuptial Agreement: $2,500.00 plus tax (flat rate)

Uncontested Divorce: $1,700.00 plus tax (flat rate)

Uncontested Separation Agreement

     No children: $2,500.00 plus tax (flat rate)

     With children: $3,000.00 plus tax (flat rate)

You can also save money by packaging your Separation Agreement and Divorce together: 

     No Children: Uncontested Agreement + Divorce = $3,500.00 plus tax

     With Children: Uncontested Agreement + Divorce = $4,500.00 plus tax

Notary Services

Notarizing Documents

Pricing for certifying copies of documents, or taking basic oaths: $50 for the first document, $10 for each additional document (plus tax)

Necessarily, pricing for any other notarial services will vary and will typically be charged on an hourly basis. This includes (but are not limited to) things that require independent legal advice (at the sole discretion of the lawyer being asked to sign it, whether or not you believe that you need advice on the document,) for any drafting or writing that need to be done to complete the notarization, or for notarizations involving the need for Apostille.

You may be asked to provide a copy of the document that requires notarization ahead of time.