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Workplace Investigations


Workplace investigations have become an increasingly common and important part of employment law. Investigating disciplinary matters, allegations of employee misconduct, or workplace harassment (including sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination) can be complicated and time-consuming for any business. Wolseley Law can help with your workplace investigations in Winnipeg across all areas including allegations of sexual harassment, employee misconduct, bullying, and more.

There are many benefits to hiring an outside or external investigator:

  • We are a neutral third-party and have no pre-existing interest in the outcome of an investigation;
  • We understand the judicial expectations and requirements with respect to investigation reports;
  • Employees can feel more comfortable speaking with an external investigator;
  • It sends the message that the employer is taking the issue seriously, both to employees and the court; and
  • It can save the employer time and money where the employer does not have the internal resources to conduct a fast, but comprehensive investigation.

Wolseley Law can help with:

  • Workplace and institutional investigations;
  • Workplace assessments and reviews;
  • Providing support and advice to your internal investigators;
  • Reviewing reports prepared by other workplace investigators, whether internal or external;
  • Consulting and strategic guidance for workplaces, including helping to draft or review your workplace harassment policy; and
  • Support for employees involved in a workplace investigation.