Wills, Estates, and Elder Law
We all know it: we should have an up-to-date will in case the worst happens. The same is true of a power of attorney and a health care directive. In fact, you should go and print off a free health care directive right now from the province’s website here, and fill it out today.
Wills and powers of attorney, while not free, can be surprisingly affordable. You know the reason to have them: they save time, money, and heartache when they’re eventually needed. Give us a call and find out how they can fit your advanced planning needs.
Estate administration and probate is something that, fortunately, most of us do not need to do very often. However, when you’ve lost a friend or loved one and need someone to help you with the process, it’s nice to have someone friendly and knowledgeable to work with you.
When you’re unable to make a power of attorney in time, a Court may have to appoint someone to assist in making day to day decisions for a parent or loved one. We can help by talking about the options for a committeeship and guiding you through the process and paperwork.
There are also times when family members need a little help. Whether it’s a power of attorney, a committeeship, or a customized solution for your loved one, give us a call and find out how we can help.
We are able to provide help with not only Winnipeg estates, wills, or powers of attorney, but all throughout the province. Contact us to see if we can make things easier for you.
Will from $475.00 per person or $775.00 per couple (plus tax)
- Includes a meeting to take your instructions, drafting of the will, and a second appointment to execute the will.
- Additional charges apply for home or hospital visits and more complex wills or estate planning. Things that may increase cost include (but aren’t limited to): non-executor trustees; multiple gifts beyond estate residue; charitable gifts; the creation of wills for regulated professionals; and blended families.
Power of Attorney from $475.00 per person or $775.00 per couple (plus tax)
- Includes a meeting to take your instructions, drafting of the power of attorney, and a second appointment to execute the power of attorney.
- Only $150.00 (plus tax) when you have a power of attorney done at the same time as a will.
- Additional charges apply for home or hospital visits and more complex powers of attorney.